Rcapital Chairman to step down at the end of 2019
When Myles joined Rcapital as Chairman in 2011, he promised us three Rugby World Cups of service – so as the third of these tournaments kicks off in Japan, it is with sadness that we announce that Myles will step down as Rcapital’s Chairman at the end of 2019.
Myles will remain closely involved with the business to support a phased transition of his Chairman responsibilities for both Rcapital and its portfolio companies.
During his time at Rcapital, Myles brought a vast amount of expertise in the restructuring market, continued pragmatic advice and immense professionalism. His dedication resulted in tangible, positive benefits to people, quality and investments. Above all his genuine friendship is something we will value forever. It has been a wonderful experience working with Myles and we thank him for the unconditional commitment throughout the years.
On behalf of everyone at Rcapital, we would like to wish Myles the best of success in his future endeavours and whilst Myles does not want a leaving party, it is widely rumoured that he will be buying the drinks at our annual Christmas drinks event in Birmingham on the 5th December, if you would like to join us in raising a glass to the Colossus that is Myles Halley.